Facebook is a great platform for you to share your photos.
What’s more, it allows you to organize your photos into albums.
This is a handy feature. You may store up to 200 photos per album.
But then there will be instances when you don’t want certain people to download or save your photos to their computers or mobile devices.
If so, you can tweak your Facebook privacy settings to prevent people from saving or downloading your photos.
In other words, you can make the photos viewable and downloadable by selected friends only.
Here’s how to lock photos on Facebook so nobody can save them.
Step 1 – Log in to Your Facebook.
Select Photos under your profile image.

Step 2 – Under Photos, select Albums.

Step 3 – Click on the 3 dots of an Album.
Then select Edit album.

Step 4 – On the Edit Album window, click on the Privacy button.

You’ll be presented with the following options.

If you want to exclude certain friends from viewing or downloading your photos then choose Friends except option.

After you’ve made your selection, hit the save changes button.
Following the steps above, you can lock photos on Facebook so nobody can save them.