What’s the boring thing you’ve done that has benefited you later in life?
Schooling, college education, studying for exams, you name it.
Similarly, writing is a boring activity to many. The thought of doing it turns smiles into frowns for many.
But then this undesirable state can be overcome within 5 minutes and you’ll find yourself racing to fill up the blank page.
If something is done repeatedly and it soon becomes accepted into your system and the question of boredom doesn’t arise. The pain and boredom vanishes myetsriously.
Do you feel bored when brushing your teeth or taking your bath every morning? You don’t even think about it, do you?
Similarly with writing, you’ve got to do the same thing every day at an appointed time.
If that gives you a bitter taste in the mouth, here’s a way to overcome it.
But then you say writing is very different from brushing your teeth, Yes, that’s right.
Here’s a trick to remove the bitter taste of writing.
Don’t focus on the unpleasantness of your current state.
Focus instead on what this boring activity can do for you in the years to come.
Remember, this mind state -I’M ALWAYS WRITING FOR THE FUTURE.
How to Remove the Bitter Taste of Writing in 5 Minutes
I do this by listing down the benefits of the seemingly boring, unproductivity activity that writing seems to be. I give myself 5 minutes to do it. It works every time.
1) I’ll become a more skilled writer because I’m getting daily practice. Just like an thlete who runs every day, runs faster, I’ll write faster, too.
2) The writing I do now will bring returns in the future, especially if you’re writing for the web. Whatever you publish on the web is going to be around for years to come. Just being your writing out there make your work being discovered , get traffic to your website, earn you money and even create job opportunities.
So, you got to always think in terms of a future pleasure instead of a present pain.
When I think in this manner, I feel motivated to write and the bitterness disappears.
3) What I write may be become the basis of some larger work, maybe a book. So, I’ve to keep writing because writing’s potential is unlimited.
4) In years to come, when I may not be able to write as much as I can now, I’ll have something to look back on and feel proud of my achievement.
Play Mind Movies of Past Successes
To add more firepower to this fix, I recall all the writing that I’ve done in the past that is benefitting me at present in terms of earnings, reputation and a sense of pride and achievement.
I’m sure you, too, have past writing efforts that are benefitting you now. Why hide them? Play them over in your mind again and again.
So, go ahead and list down the future benefits of doing a boring and routine thing like writing.
If you can’t think of any, just write down the benefits you have enjoyed out of doing something boring like schooling to get your juices flowing.